[mou] Shorebird Research (Univ. ND)-Summer Employment

Lisa Gelvin-Innvaer lisa.gelvin-innvaer@dnr.state.mn.us
Mon, 30 Jan 2006 12:44:12 -0600

FYI- Forwarding this on behalf of Daniel S. Ackerman University of North =
Dakota, Biology Dept.
All queries/communcations should go to him

                                            SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Shorebird =

Employer: University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND

Position Description:  We plan to hire one wildlife technician to assist =
with a graduate research project related to the distribution, abundance, =
and habitat needs of North America's largest shorebird, the Long-billed =
Curlew.  The project will provide a variety of quality field experience, =
as well as some data entry and related computer experience. =20

Duties:  A major portion of the work will be conducted outdoors in =
southwestern North Dakota.  This work can be physically taxing and include =
varied work hours, but also offers an opportunity to explore the wilds of =
the semi-arid and badlands regions of North Dakota.  Duties will include: =
survey route observations, vegetative sampling, nest searches, and data =
entry.  During the months of July and August, the incumbent will be =
stationed at Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge.  Duties will then include =
assisting a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist with various avian =
and floral monitoring, inventory, and research in south-central North =

Qualifications:  Qualified applicants should have a strong interest in =
wildlife (primarily birds), be responsible, have good interpersonal =
skills, and be willing to work as part of a team.  Previous coursework =
and/or experience in ornithology, botany, or ecology are preferred but not =

Duration and Salary:  This is a full-time, seasonal position running from =
early April through late August 2006.  Salary will be approximately =
$1,280/month.  Housing will be provided, as well as per diem when =
traveling for field work. =20

Application Deadline:  A resume (including names of three references), =
cover letter, and copies of college transcripts must be received no later =
than Tuesday, February 28th, 2006.

Send Application to:=09
Daniel S. Ackerman
University of North Dakota, Biology Dept.
Box 9019
Grand Forks, ND  58202
Home: 701-777-9437       Cell: 701-330-5781