[mou] Recently Seen Betrami & Others

Kelly Larson northernflights@charter.net
Tue, 31 Jan 2006 11:42:00 -0600

On Friday 01/27 in Beltrami County
43 Snow Bunting, Cty road 26 near Puposky
5 Common Raven, State hwy 89
3  American Crow, State hwy 89
1 Blue Jay, State hwy 89
23 Bohemian Waxwing, Downtown Bemidji

On Sunday 01/29 in Beltrami County, Mississippi inlet to Lake Bemidji
9 Canada Geese
6 pairs Mallard,
1 pair Common Goldeneye
1 Common Merganser, male
1 Bald Eagle, adult
1 Muskrat, very large!

On Sunday 01/29 in Hubbard County
1 Black-billed Magpie, flyover- State hwy 200 near Lake George

The January heat wave has taken it's toll on the snow cover up here. In
Cleawater, Polk, Mahnomen, Hubbard, and Beltrami counties, bare patches
are showing in open fields. Small streams were free of ice in some
places. Red-osier Dogwood is looking...red.
I read on the WSO (Wisconsin birding) list serve that someone found
Pussy Willow blooming at Bong Rec Area in the South-eastern corner of
the state. I was just there a week ago and I half expected to see
Red-winged Blackbirds in the marsh. I did get to see a very nice
Short-eared owl.

Kelly Larson

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(only 92 miles from Canada!)

Northern Flights
208 3rd Street NW
Bemidji  MN  56601
Phone: 218-444-3022

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