[mou] Snowy Plover Update

BirdBill5@aol.com BirdBill5@aol.com
Sun, 2 Jul 2006 19:27:42 EDT

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Thanks to Randy Fredickson, I was able to relocate the snowy plover but in a 
different location on the same lake described by Randy. I spotted the snowy 
plover in the NW corner of the lake which is best viewed from the sandy beach to 
the right of the abandoned stone quarry described by Randy. The bird was 
still there when I left about 12:30 today.

Bill George

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<DIV>Thanks to Randy Fredickson, I was able to relocate the snowy plover but=
 in a different location on the same lake described by Randy. I spotted the=20=
snowy plover in the NW corner of the lake which is best viewed from the sand=
y beach to the right of the abandoned stone quarry described by Randy. The b=
ird was still there when I left about 12:30 today.</DIV>
<DIV>Bill George</DIV></BODY></HTML>
