[mou] Cass County MBW

B W wielandba@yahoo.com
Tue, 4 Jul 2006 07:10:28 -0700 (PDT)

A Minnesota Birding Weekend trip was held in Cass
County July 1-3.  24 birders took to the county with
Deep Portage Learning Center serving as a base.  133
species were detected over the 2.5 days.  Highlights

Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow - Boy River & Swamp Lake
Yellow Rail - Swamp Lake
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - Red River Tr. near 53rd ave
Tennessee Warbler - Cass 135 bog
Grasshopper Sparrow - Cass 45 near MN 371
Red-headed Woodpecker - Cass 26, 2 mi N of Cass 28
Merlin - at Deep Portage Learning Center
Whip-poor-will - at Deep Portage remote classroom
Red-necked Grebe - nesting birds at Cat Lake
Dickcissel - Cass 45 near MN 371; Cat Lake

18 warblers and 10 sparrows along with great looks at
many resident species made for a great couple days of
birding.  Special thanks to Craig Mandel for leading
the crew and describing so well where the darn bird
was in the darn tree.  Thanks to all participants!

Ben Wieland

Ben Wieland
Deep Portage Learning Center
2197 Nature Center Dr. NW
Hackensack, MN  56452   (218)682-2325

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