[mou] Area Shorebirds + (no rarities)

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Tue, 4 Jul 2006 11:57:27 -0500

Pursuant to Ken LaFond's Carlos Avery post, checked our area sewage ponds 
this morning (Princeton, Milaca, Gilman, Foley) - migration has certainly 
begun, seven species seen (nothing distinctive, many SP Sandpipers and 
Lesser Yellowlegs).

Also walked the entire Blue Hill Trail in Sherburne (4+ miles, usually only 
do the front loop - back area is breathtaking) and drove through the Auto 
Tour (latter yesterday AM) - while singing and sighted species numbers are 
still good, they are gradually diminishing (eg, no Golden-winged or 
Blue-winged heard, although Mourning still actively singing).

Did have a Broad-winged (perhaps two) near Milaca ponds, have just frequent 
enough sightings/hearings there that one wonders about nesting.

Have a blessed Fourth!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties

PS With significant assistance from Julian Sellers and others, have 
concluded that I simply ran into a rather dark/seemingly large Lincoln's 
Sparrow in Aitkin County last Saturday (visual angle is everything) - thanks 
for all the help (you're a great group!) - although a percentage of my heart 
would still love the bird to have been a female LABU.