[mou] Snowy Plover Update
Don Kienholz
Tue, 11 Jul 2006 21:11:20 -0500
Laura Erickson, and I saw at least one Adult Snowy Plover and 2 chicks at
approx 9:30 AM today Tuesday, July 11th. Two other birders were
present...sorry I forgot your names.
Possibly both adults were seen but in different locations at different times
so cannot rule out only one individual.
directions same as before...
Big Stone National Wildllife Refuge-
park at maintenance shed on dike, go West across road and follow past old
quarry and past row/grove of elm trees.
go to the end of spit on the mud, and look North to rocky beach areas on
opposite shore. The birds were moving about in the short grass on mud flats
and playing in the cool water. on West end of opposite shore.
The water level is dropping and one can now access the "island" the birds
are on.
use common sense as to closeness of approach.
other birds seen
Clarks Grebe @ Thielke Lake
Orchard Oriole
Chestnut sided warbler
stilt SP
least SP
pectoral SP
Spotted SP
Lesser Yellow Legs
It is hot and suppose to get hotter, bring drinking water if you walk down
to spit.. about 1/4 mile walk or so.
Don Kienholz
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