[mou] Lac Qui Parle, France birding

Nathan Schirmacher natester166@hotmail.com
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 11:00:20 -0500

This is my first post, although I've gotten to know a number of you.

My dad & I birded Lac Qui Parle and Big Stone NWR yesterday.  The highlights 
included:  two Snowy Plovers (Big Stone), two Piping Plovers (one at the 
NWR, other at Salt Lake - dad missed both!), Red-necked Phalarope (Salt 
Lake), Grey Partridge (Swift County) and Eurasian Collared Doves (Madison).

However, whiffed on Loggerhead Shrikes, Blue Grosbeak, Greater Prairie 
Chicken and Great-tailed Grackles.

Recently returned from a missions trip to France.  Didn't get much time to 
bird, but enjoyed 25 life species including:  Eurasian Hobby, Black Kite, 
White Wagtail and four species of tits.

Thanks to all of you who shared locations of birds in Lac Qui Parle and Big 

Nathan Schirmacher

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