[mou] Slaty-backed Gull

Josh Watson the_kinglet_17@yahoo.com
Sat, 22 Jul 2006 12:47:16 -0700 (PDT)

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Hello All,
       I was in town today around 8:30 and was able to locate the possible slaty-backed gull being seen in the Grand Marais Harbor with help from Ken Hoffman sometime around 9:00. The bird was roosting on the West breakwall where my dad and I observed it for maybe 20 min. It allowed us to walk within ten to fifteen feet from it and i was able to get some photographs, however the lighting wasn't the greatest. The bird then flew across the harbor and and exchanged perches between the East breakwall and then on the rocky pier extending in front of the North House Folk School at the Marina. It sits alone and well away from anyother gulls, in fact anytime it sits near herring or ring-billed gulls they chase it off. We kept an eye on the bird around the harbor area for 45 min to an hour. It seems real content and not in a big hurry to go anywhere but birds are never predictable either. I am not a gull expert but I am going along with Ken and Molly Hoffman in thinking it might be
 a Slaty-backed gull. The only other possiblility is a Western gull but i don't think i could tell you the differance between the two. There are not a lot of gulls around and i would encourage anyone who wants to see it to come up and give it a shot as the bird looks pretty comfortable right at the moment. Good birding to alll
  Josh Watson
  Grand Marais

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<div>Hello All,</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; I was in town today around 8:30 and was able to locate the possible slaty-backed gull being seen in the Grand Marais Harbor with help from Ken Hoffman sometime around 9:00. The bird was roosting on the West breakwall where my dad and I observed it for maybe 20 min. It allowed us to walk within ten to fifteen feet from it and i was able to get some photographs, however the lighting wasn't the greatest. The bird then flew across the harbor and and exchanged perches between the East breakwall and then on the rocky pier extending in front of the North House Folk School at the Marina. It sits alone and well away from anyother gulls, in fact anytime it sits near herring or ring-billed gulls they chase it off. We kept an eye on the bird around the harbor area for 45 min to an hour. It seems real content and not in a big hurry to go anywhere but birds are never predictable either. I am not a gull expert but I
 am going along with Ken and Molly Hoffman in thinking it might be a Slaty-backed gull. The only other possiblility is a Western gull but i don't think i could tell you the differance between the two. There are not a lot of gulls around and i would encourage anyone who wants to see it to come up and give it a shot as the bird looks pretty comfortable right at the moment. Good birding to alll</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Josh Watson</div>  <div>Grand Marais</div><p>&#32;
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