[mou] Long ago a possible Slaty-backed Gull

Sue McDonnell sue@boreal.org
Wed, 26 Jul 2006 10:58:48 -0500

This is a bit off-topic, but Molly Hoffman and I spoke yesterday.  It would 
be helpful if all subscribed to this list who made the trek to Grand Marais 
to see the Slaty-backed Gull could send an email to me, with the number of 
people in the birding group, and whether any dollars were spent in Grand 
Marais (dining, groceries, gas, lodging, gifts, etc.).  The economics of 
birding is very important in determining the future of the Grand Marais Harbor.

Sue McDonnell
5 miles west of Grand Marais

At 10:05 AM 7/26/2006 -0500, John Green wrote:
>This is a message from Jan on John's email which we both use.
>Long ago, before the age of digital cameras and multiple observers with
>cars that travel long distances, there was a gull that I observed on
>January 4, 1968 at Knife River that I suspected then, and still do, was a
>Slaty-backed Gull.  I still have the detailed field notes that I took and
>pbulished in "The Loon" in 1969 (v. 41, p. 55-56).  The size similar to
>male Herring Gull, slate grey mantle, bright pink legs and feet, light
>yellow riris, and very heavy mottling about the head, nape and upper
>breast are a better fit for an adult of this speciess than any other.
>It was in the slip that the commercial fishermen used (before the marian
>was excavated) and I was parked adjacent to the slip.  I could not find it
>again before our daughter Sarah was born on the 12th of January.  No one
>else saw it at close hand although a dark-backed gull was seen later in
>the month.  It was minus 25 degrees that day in 1968.  Quite a contrast
>with just being able to walk to the patio of the East Bay Hotel in July
>and see the adult Slate-backed Gull perched on the wall at the edge of the
>I hope all those who trekked to Grand Marais also joined Harbor Friends
>(web: www.harborfriends.org and email: harborfriends@boreal.org).  Molly
>and Ken Hoffman are mainstays of the group and their goal is to keep the
>harbor as natural as possible for bird habitat, etc. in face of a big
>marina proposal.
>Jan Green
>mou-net mailing list