[mou] Swan in cloverleaf pond

Timothy Johnson johns860@mac.com
Fri, 2 Jun 2006 12:05:10 -0500

There's been a lone swan (trumpeter) hanging out for at least 2 weeks  
in the SE cloverleaf pond at the intersection of I-94 and I-694. It  
seems healthy, feeding often as I drive by. There is no place to stop  
to view the bird, just slowing down a bit is the best you can do.  
Since the pond is no more than 50 meters from the Mississippi I worry  
that it is a she with intentions of nesting there. I worry because I  
fear she will lose her brood when she tries to walk them across the  
freeway ramp someday.

Would there necessarily be a pair in the pond if there is a nest  
there, or does the female try to keep her nest secret from even her  
mate (who could be on the river for all I know?

Tim (new today to MOU listserv)