[mou] Henslow Sparrow Otter Tail Cty

Dan & Sandy Thimgan thimgan@digitaljam.com
Mon, 05 Jun 2006 10:49:21 -0500

This morning, alerted by Carole Brysky Glendalough Campground host, we stood
at the entrance to Glendalough State Park and listened to a Henslow's
Sparrow calling on the west side of the entrance road, in the area of the
two circular wetlands.  Carole has been hearing the bird on this road with
some regularity for a week or so.  We did not get a look at the bird this
morning, but it was calling sporatically for the 45 minutes we were there.

Sandy and Dan Thimgan
Battle Lake
Otter Tail County
"I am a kind of paranoid in reverse.  I suspect people of plotting to make
me happy."  -JD Salinger