[mou] Pipestone County

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Mon, 5 Jun 2006 12:03:55 -0500

Had a couple of interesting birds at the Pipestone National Monument on
Saturday, June 6th.  A Blue Grosbeak was singing just upstream from the
waterfall.  Also a late Olive-sided Flycatcher was rather obvious feeding
from the tree tops along the stream just west of the main woods.

Also interesting was a single LeContes Sparrow singing in southern Lincoln
County, south of Lake Benton in the Hole-in-the-Mountain area on Nature
Conservancy land.  This is the second year in a row that we have found a
Lecontes singing in this general area in early June.  Historically this is
considered south of their normal breeding range.  Is this a very late
migrant or attempted breeding?  Who knows?

Dennis and Barbara Martin