[mou] Birding Software

Falcon Falcon <falcon@taloncom.net>
Mon, 5 Jun 2006 14:17:03 -0500

Hello All -
Suzanne and I are searching for an all-purpose birding
application which we will run on laptop and desktop computers, and
will likely load onto an IPod as well.  Knowing many of you have
investigated and bought software for yourselves, maybe you can offer

Just speculating, I'd think the perfect software would include
everything (illustrations, fields marks, data, distribution, etc.) in
the National Geographic  Guide and the Sibley Guide.  It would also
be great if the application included bird calls and variations
such as we get from Stokes' Bird Sounds and the National Geo's Guide
to Bird Sounds.  Next I would want the record-keeping and
bird-listing capabilities of an AVI-like program.  And to make it all
user-friendly I'd like to see a built-in, intuitive search engine that
would keep species illustrations, songs, lists, etc cross-indexed
so that we could bring them to the screen in a customized display.

So much for daydreaming .. ~smile~

Can any of you recommend what is actually available? Maybe include
some advice on what to look for and how to evaluate the program?

Thank you in advance for all responses.
Would you please send replies direct to me, falcon@taloncom.net.

- Edward L.