[mou] WEKI, BOGY, Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Wed, 7 Jun 2006 21:40:04 -0500

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Ok, I know everyone hates alpha codes...but I couldn't resist. While golfing with Laura tonight at Southern Hills Golf Course (one mile north of Farmington on Hi 3), I hit a stellar 7 iron to the green on hole #11, a par 3. A Westen Kingbird (WEKI) immediately descended on the ball but, realizing it was not edible, flew up to a small spruce tree.  As we approached the green, the WEKI flew out into adjacent fence row and continued to aerial feed. I then proceeded to 3-putt for a BOGY. 

Green fees are quite reasonable if you want to look for this bird. Twilight rates (cheapest) begin at 3:00pm. It is dead center in the middle of the otherwise inaccessible section. 

Of minor interest...at this same hole in previous years, I have recorded Swainson's Hawk, Orchard Oriole, Brewer's Blackbird, Baird's Sandpiper, Upland Sandpiper (vocal only), and yes, my one and only hole in one!! This is the ONLY reason I continue to prusue this draconian game.

Eagan, Dakota County
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<DIV>Ok, I know everyone hates alpha codes...but I couldn't resist. While golfing with Laura tonight at Southern Hills Golf Course (one mile north of Farmington on Hi 3), I hit a stellar 7 iron to the green on hole #11, a par 3. A Westen Kingbird (WEKI) immediately descended on the ball but, realizing it was not edible, flew up to a small spruce tree.&nbsp; As we approached the green, the WEKI flew out into adjacent fence row and continued to aerial feed. I then proceeded to 3-putt for a BOGY. </DIV>
<DIV>Green fees are quite reasonable if you want to look for this bird. Twilight rates (cheapest) begin at 3:00pm. It is dead center in the middle of the otherwise inaccessible section. </DIV>
<DIV>Of minor interest...at this same hole in previous years, I have recorded Swainson's Hawk, Orchard Oriole, Brewer's Blackbird, Baird's Sandpiper, Upland Sandpiper (vocal only), and yes, my one and only hole in one!! This is the ONLY reason I continue to prusue this draconian game.</DIV>
<DIV>Eagan, Dakota County</DIV>