[mou] directions to Hooded Warbler - Battle Creek Park, Ramsey Co.

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sat, 17 Jun 2006 15:54:01 -0500

Refound both of the Hooded Warblers today in Battle Creek Park.  The
"southern" one was calling from the east slope from one end of the gully to
the other end.  We were never able to see it but the call was as clear as
could be for about a half hour so we know it never was far from the trail.
Bills directions were right on.  Did not hear the Mourning at that location.
This was about noon today.

The "northern" bird was heard from Julians location a long way to the south
from the trail.  This, by the way was the second down area along that trail.
We went back up to the top of the hill behind us and took a short cutoff
trail from that intersection that went straight west down to a wider trail
and in 50-75 yards had the bird calling on both sides of the trail from us.
Again we were never able to see it but listened to it for some 20 minutes
until it seemed to head over closer to the trail that Julian had us on
originally.  This was probably about 1:00 PM or so.

Our record remains intact.  We hear the birds for lengths of time but seldom
do we see them.  Four eyes are simply not enough much of the time.

See past messages for the directions.

Dennis and Barbara Martin