[mou] Hooded Warbler - Battle Creek Park, Ramsey Co.

A.Maistrovich A.Maistrovich
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:34:28 -0500

We found the Hooded Warbler at 10 am this morning. This was our fourth=20=

attempt. While we heard them on earlier tries, today we were rewarded=20
with good views of both the male and female. We followed Bill's=20
directions. At the north end of the ravine the "road" takes a=20
right-angle turn towards the west and goes up a steep hill. A=20
hiking/biking trail crosses the "road" about a third of the way up the=20=

hill. We went right (north) on this trail about 100 feet. There is good=20=

visibility here as this glade in the ravine is fern-covered . While we=20=

first spotted a Hooded Warbler foraging on the ground, out best views=20
came when they flew into the lower branches of the tall trees. We=20
recommend you listen to a Hooded Warbler recording before going out.=20
Most of the ravine has restricted visibility because it is rather=20
heavily wooded.

We thank Julian Sellers for finding the bird and Bill Litkey for his=20
excellent directions; the Hooded Warbler is new to our life list.

Tony & Alice Maistrovich

On Jun 16, 2006, at 5:31 PM, Bill Litkey wrote:

> As per several requests for directions, they are as follows.  Battle=20=

> Creek
> Park is located in SE Ramsey Co.  =46rom Hwy. 61 running along the=20
> eastern
> side of the Mississippi River valley turn eastward onto Lower Afton=20
> Road.
> Go about =BD mile to Winthrop St.  On either side of Winthrop along =
> north
> side of Lower Afton there is clearing back off the shoulder so you=20
> might be
> able to park there.  North of Lower Afton only about 100 ft. hike the=20=

> ski
> trail that goes west from Winthrop and parallels Lower Afton.  Hang=20
> left on
> this trail at any trail junctures.  Eventually the trail curves=20
> northward
> away from Lower Afton into a ravine.  At the curve there was a =
> Warbler as a bonus.  Listen for the Hooded Warbler throughout this=20
> ravine,
> which isn't very long.  It seemed to spend more time towards the north=20=

> end
> of the ravine, but it certainly moves around in there.
> Bill Litkey (Oakdale)
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