[mou] Henslow's sparrow

josep002@umn.edu josep002@umn.edu
17 Jun 2006 20:37:25 -0500

Thanks to Jim Otto for his superb directions to this life bird for my 
husband and me! We followed his directions and, at the second rise on trail 
31 heading west towards trail head 28, there it was on the right(north) 
side of the trail. We even were able to take some videos of him singing! 
For those of you not familiar with Murphy-Hanrehan, at the parking lot of 
the horse trails, the marker to the west of the outhouse (furthest from the 
little pond), says 29, not 30; however when you walk up it a ways, you see 
trail marker 30. Follow that until you see trail marker 31 and the rest is 

Marilyn and Warren Regelmann