[mou] Re: [mnbird] Breeding Birds ( Long, but Important!)

Ann E Kessen kess0010@umn.edu
Mon, 19 Jun 2006 07:09:22 CDT

I am the compiler and writer of the Summer Season report in The Loon, which
includes breeding records.  When I saw your message last night I went through
the breeding records from 2005, and sure enough, there were your reports.  I
have no idea how I missed them.  I'm sorry for my mistake.  It will be
corrected.  I am occasionally a bit foggy, but I like to think I'm not a
"black hole".
A couple of additional thoughts on this topic for everyone who is reading
this:  All records submitted to the MOU are archived, making them available
for future use and review.  Records that are the most informative are those
that include the most information.  You do a nice job of this with nesting
records, Nancy, indicating whether young are short-tailed, unable to fly
well, adult carrying fecal sac, etc.  If a researcher wanted to use our data
base, such detail would be far more useful than a simple notation of
Thanks for calling this error to my attention, Nancy.

On 18 Jun 2006, Nancy Overcott wrote:
> Thank you Mark for your words about breeding birds records. I have often
> been frustrated by the MOU's requirement for "confirmed" breeding
> records, which I believe results in a skewed picture of the birds that
> breed in Minnesota. From now on, I will happily indicate possible,
> probable and confirmed breeding behavior on my electronic Seasonal
> Report.
> I have submitted nest cards for many years, but I often feel like they
> are going down a black hole. The seasonal report in "The Loon" did not
> show any of my records from last summer. I hope that adding my records
> to the electronic text box for each sighting, will result in some use
> being made of them.
> Nancy
> Nancy Overcott, from the Big Woods 
> Fillmore County, SE MN
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