[mou] BBS routes in W MN and some interesting findings

Wildchough@aol.com Wildchough@aol.com
Sat, 24 Jun 2006 01:07:07 EDT

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I ran three BBS routes in western MN this week and found Henslow's Sparrow's 
(singles) on all three routes in Big Stone, Kandiyohi, and Traverse Counties; 
found 14 Upland Sandpipers (12 in soybean fields, one in corn, and one 
possibly calling from a small prairie within a cornfield), Gray Partridge in Stearns 
and Traverse, Northern Bobwhite calling from weeds in the vicinity of a barn 
in Stevens County with a sign "Red Deer Farm (I assume if they can import red 
deer, they could afford a few quail eggs),  Eurasian Collard Dove (first 
Stearns county record I believe) in Brooten along Hwy 55 on the west end of town 
where the highway curves NW, and a calling King Rail in potential breeding 
habitat in far, far western MN, the location which can't be revealed due to the 
bird's vulnerability to any disturbance (my decision, sorry folks).  I vaguely 
recall mention of a possible little blue heron near the I-694--I-494 interchange 
a few days ago (I'm living on 4 hours of sleep a night this week and not real 
awake).  Well I saw the bird at 65 mph too and my impression was far too gray 
for an LBH but just right for a redddish egret (recorded from NE IL a few 
years back) but in 2 seconds I didn't note any obvious reddish behavior--someone 
needs to figure out a safe way to see that bird and get a firm ID--it is the 
most dangerous place to see a bird I've ever seen!!!  Bob Russell, Dakota County

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">I ran three BBS routes in western M=
N this week and found Henslow's Sparrow's (singles) on all three routes in B=
ig Stone, Kandiyohi, and Traverse Counties; found 14 Upland Sandpipers (12 i=
n soybean fields, one in corn, and one possibly calling from a small prairie=
 within a cornfield), Gray Partridge in Stearns and Traverse, Northern Bobwh=
ite calling from weeds in the vicinity of a barn in Stevens County with a si=
gn "Red Deer Farm (I assume if they can import red deer, they could afford a=
 few quail eggs),&nbsp; Eurasian Collard Dove (first Stearns county record I=
 believe) in Brooten along Hwy 55 on the west end of town where the highway=20=
curves NW, and a calling King Rail in potential breeding habitat in far, far=
 western MN, the location which can't be revealed due to the bird's vulnerab=
ility to any disturbance (my decision, sorry folks).&nbsp; I vaguely recall=20=
mention of a possible little blue heron near the I-694--I-494 interchange a=20=
few days ago (I'm living on 4 hours of sleep a night this week and not real=20=
awake).&nbsp; Well I saw the bird at 65 mph too and my impression was far to=
o gray for an LBH but just right for a redddish egret (recorded from NE IL a=
 few years back) but in 2 seconds I didn't note any obvious reddish behavior=
--someone needs to figure out a safe way to see that bird and get a firm ID-=
-it is the most dangerous place to see a bird I've ever seen!!!&nbsp; Bob Ru=
ssell, Dakota County</FONT></HTML>
