[mou] Update out west

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:38:57 -0500

I spent yesterday (6/27) birding out west.

Grant County:
Cattle Egrets-9 of them in amongst and on top of the cattle in the normal 
pasture south of Pelican Lake on Ashby Estate Rd. E.

Traverse County:
Eurasian Collared Doves-2 of them still present in Wheaton near the grain 
Marbled Godwit-1 very vocal and perturbed individual at Miller Prairie.
Upland Sandpiper-1 also at Miller Prairie.

Lac Qui Parle:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo-1 at Lac Qui Parle County Park.
Loggerhead Shrike-1 at the intersection just north of the county park.
Willet-1 bird still present off of CR 21 at the dam area in Big Stone NWR.
Marbled Godwit-29(!) individuals at the same place as the Willet.
Common Moorhen-Same bird as reported before, 2 gates south of headquarters 
in the open channel. I was there for 20 minutes before it came out of the 
reeds, so be patient.
Least Bittern-1 bird flew up from the reeds bordering the channel that the 
moorhen is in.
American Bittern-1 bird flew over as I sat waiting for the moorhen to show 

I could not find the Piping Plover or Semipalmated Plover. But as Denny 
said, they could have been out of view, so they could still be around. Oh, 
and I was zero for one million on marshes I checked for King Rails.

Ben Fritchman