[mou] Lake Superior Boat Trips Update

Mike Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Fri, 3 Mar 2006 12:46:29 -0600


The Lake Superior Birding Pelagics are filling up fast and I thought I give 
an update on the spaces available for each trip.

June 3rd pelagic = 7 spaces left
September 9th pelagic = 10 spaces left
September 23 pelagic = 10 spaces left
October 7th pelagic = 8 spaces left

These Lake Superior Birding Pelagic trips are a one of a kind birding trip 
that is not offered on any of the Great Lakes except here on the western tip 
of Lake Superior.  There is a potential to open up some clues to see if some 
of the artic species such as Red-throated Loons, Pacific Loons, Red 
Phalaropes, Little Gulls, Sabine Gulls, Artic Terns, Parasitic Jaegers, 
Pomarine Jaegers, Long-tailed Jaegers can be found more easily 3-5 miles out 
in Lake Superior during migration periods.  Last year we had Sabine's Gulls 
3.5 miles out from Park Point! We also had a Red Phalarope also found 3.0 
miles out from Park Point.   If you are seeing 10-20 Red-throated Loons in 
late May or early June from the beaches of Park Point how many more are to 
be found 3-5 miles out from Park Point?  Are Pacific Loons a regular spring 
migrant on Lake Superior?  Are Red Phalaropes using Lake Superior as a 
staging area during spring or fall migration?  Since its impossible to view 
birds a mile out from Park Point during migration what birds are to be found 
out there during migration? Nobody knows for sure. That is why these boat 
trips are so exciting.  Its like birding the northshore in October in 
November, you never know what to expect to find! So if you want to be part 
of an exciting, discovery filled birding trip than these trip will hopefully 
fill that void.  Plus they can be very scenic as well. Sometimes our vessel 
will cruise by a 500 or a 1000 foot ship that is docked out in Lake 

* The September 23 trip will be a perfect trip for those that are planning 
to come on this boat trip because the trip will end around 1 pm and that 
will give you plenty of time to head up to Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory ( 
Hawk Ridge) to view the raptor migration.

* So if you are interested please reply to this email posting and if you 
want to see what the LL Smith looks like go to my website and click "Lake 
Superior Birding".

Thank you.

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Minnesota Birding Treks