[mou] Bassett Creek & Theo Wirth

Kathleen Connelly connellyka@earthlink.net
Fri, 03 Mar 2006 15:14:13 -0600

I am still working on the Audubon Important Bird Area nomination for Theo
Wirth Park, and we are looking for reporters for the Bassett Creek (pools)
area, the back 40, and Theo Wirth golf course.  Please let me hear from you
as soon as possible.  We've just expanded the scope of our nomination to
included these areas.  THANK YOU.  A lot of people are working hard on a lot
of fronts to improve the quality of the avian habitat in Theo Wirth Park -
this nomination is a part of that effort.

A big thank you to those who have already responded.  Your data have been
incorporated into the nomination form and you have been credited as a

156 species so far!  Not bad for an urban park on the edge of downtown

Kathy Connelly
Golden Valley