[mou] Peregrines and Short eared Owl Dakota County

Jbaines317@aol.com Jbaines317@aol.com
Sat, 4 Mar 2006 09:06:17 EST

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I apologize for the late post but my husband just told me he saw a short  
eared owl hunting in the Hwy52 / CR 42 cloverleaf at daybreak Tuesday  morning.
A more timely post is that the Peregrine Pair at the Flint Hills Refinery  
are back. They showed up yesterday and he saw them off and on throughout the  
Jen Vieth

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<DIV>I apologize for the late post but my husband just told me he saw a shor=
eared owl hunting in the Hwy52 / CR 42 cloverleaf at daybreak Tuesday=20
<DIV>A more timely post is that the Peregrine Pair at the Flint Hills Refine=
are back. They showed up yesterday and he saw them off and on throughout the=
<DIV>Jen Vieth</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
