[mou] Posting Bird Sitings on a Google Map

Watson, Alexander Robert alexander.watson@mnsu.edu
Tue, 7 Mar 2006 13:51:48 -0600

Google has recently announced the release of their mapping technology to =
the public.  It would now be possible to post your sighting using a map =
interface, like Google Maps. Think something like this, only birds:
http://www.mywikimap.com/?tag=3Dregular&zip=3D56001&radius=3D10 =
Sightings could be submitted via a form on the page. Once entered, each =
sighting would be represented by a red marker, visible to anyone. =
Sightings could be filtered by species and/or genera, as well as zip =
code.  This is a very powerful tool that could quickly allow anyone to =
find the exact location of a sighting anywhere in the state at a single =
glance.  This would be free to put together and implement on the mou =
site.  If anyone thinks this might be a useful tool, let us know.
Alex Watson
Tom Rogers