[mou] 400+ Greater White-Fronted Geese, 3 Ross's Geese - Lake Byllesby, D...

Drewbec@aol.com Drewbec@aol.com
Sat, 11 Mar 2006 22:44:27 EST

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The birds continued to get better throughout the day  at Byllesby. By 4:30, 
Linda Sparling and I had an estimated 1500  Greater White-fronted Geese. Far 
outnumbering the Canadas present. Flocks  were coming in, flying over, 
leaving--- it was quite a sight! I attempted  to count other groups of birds, but it 
was extremely difficult. There were  easily over 2000 birds present at the peak 
moment. We had 8 Ross's, 4  Snows, at least 75 Cackling, over 200 Ring-necked 
Ducks, all 3 Mergs, and  the other species previously mentioned. By about 
5:00pm, most of the  geese were taking off, whether just to feed or continue  
migrating is unknown. An impressive day at Byllesby.
Drew Smith
Eagan, Dakota  County

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      <DIV>The birds continued to get better throughout the day=20
      at&nbsp;Byllesby. By 4:30, Linda Sparling and I had an estimated 1500=20
      Greater White-fronted Geese. Far outnumbering the Canadas present. Flo=
      were coming in, flying over, leaving--- it was quite a sight! I attemp=
      to count other groups of birds, but it was extremely difficult. There=20=
      easily over 2000 birds present at the peak moment. We had 8 Ross's, 4=20
      Snows, at least 75 Cackling, over 200 Ring-necked Ducks, all 3 Mergs,=20=
      the other species previously mentioned. By about 5:00pm, most of the=20
      geese&nbsp;were taking off, whether just&nbsp;to feed or continue=20
      migrating is unknown. An impressive day at Byllesby.</DIV>
      <DIV>Drew Smith</DIV>
      <DIV>Eagan, Dakota=20
