[mou] Keith Radel - April 1 - Burnsville, MN

Stan Merrill stan_1ch@yahoo.com
Sat, 11 Mar 2006 19:56:02 -0800 (PST)

Hello EveryBIRDie!

Mark your calendars for 11 a.m., April 1, to
hear Keith Radel's program on Bluebirds, at 
Wild Birds Unlimited, north of Outback Steak
House, Co. Rds. 42 & 5, Burnsville, MN.

Keith is an active member of Minnesota's
Bluebird Recovery Program, member of MBRP 
Board of Directors.  In 2005, 296 bluebirds
fledged from his 66-paired nest boxes.

Admission is free.  Reservations are not 
required, however, a phone call [952-435-0491]
would be appreciated so WBU will know how 
many to set up for.

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