[mou] Request for information

JPMCOCON@aol.com JPMCOCON@aol.com
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 23:15:15 EST

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Greetings all,
Does anyone have any birding friends/contacts in the London (England)  area?  
I'll be traveling to London/High Wycombe/Horsley's Green, and would  like 
some tips on birding in that area from a 'local'.
Please respond privately.
Thank you,
Julie O'Connor

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<DIV>Greetings all,</DIV>
<DIV>Does anyone have any birding friends/contacts in the London (England)=20
area?&nbsp; I'll be traveling to London/High Wycombe/Horsley's Green, and wo=
like some tips on birding in that area from a 'local'.</DIV>
<DIV>Please respond privately.</DIV>
<DIV>Thank you,</DIV>
<DIV>Julie O'Connor</DIV>
