[mou] Waterfowl ID help

Derek Bakken spottedtowhee@gmail.com
Tue, 14 Mar 2006 22:29:12 -0600

Hello all,

I was a Black Dog Lake in Dakota County this morning.  I didn't see 
anything noteworthy, except for a single Horned Grebe in its transition 
molt.  However, I saw two birds that I could not approach, due to the 
deep snow, in order to ID with my binoculars (I need a spotting scope 
soon).  I took a long digital photo and enlarged it on on computer.  I 
still am not sure what I am looking at.

They are smaller than Mallards, have yellowish bills with apparent 
markings, and appear to have dark heads with whitish faces and throats. 
  They were the only two odd birds I saw and I don't think Black Dog 
Lake would be a place to see some weird farm hybrid ducks.  They were 
swimming with a group of Canada Geese, Mallards, Hooded Mergansers, and 
a few American Coots.

Anyway, I've driven myself mad trying to ID them and any help or ideas 
would be appreciated.  At the moment I am leaning towards calling them 
some sort of hybrid.


Derek Bakken
St. Paul, MN