[mou] paying to use state wildlife land

wampy@att.net wampy@att.net
Sat, 25 Mar 2006 16:05:16 +0000

The fees paid for duck stamps and other licenses to hunt are intended to be used for the support and maintenance of the birds and animals harvested, and as a regulatory mechanism. Furthermore, the stamps and licenses constitute the permission granted by government  to hunt. I'm not aware of anything that birdwatchers "harvest" that requires maintenance or support, and I'm not sure either how you would determine who would pay for watching, or where you couldn't watch if you didn't have a "Birdwatching Stamp". 
As others have already pointed out, most of us who are birdwatchers are members of other organizations ( Audubon, Nature Conservancy, National resources Defense Council, Wilderness Society, American Rivers,etc., etc.) which provide support and funding and protection for land acquisition and habitat protection just as do Ducks Unlimited and Pheasants Forever.

Bernard P. Friel		

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Craig" <cbird@nsatel.net>
> How are state and public lands being paid for already??   Last time I 
> checked I still pay taxes plus I'm an avid bowhunter, snowmobiler and my 
> wife and I do a lot of camping in the state parks so I think I pay more than 
> my fair share in fees to use such areas.  I thought this was a free country? 
> There aren't  many things that you can do for free anymore but, birdwatching 
> is one of them and that's what I love about birdwatching.  It's getting to 
> the point where we won't even be able to look through our binoculars without 
> having a permit first.  Ridiculous.
> Just because you feel guilty for not paying or feel that you need to 
> contribute more doesn't mean the rest of have to too.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim Williams" <two-jays@att.net>
> To: "MOU net" <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>; "Paul J.Baicich" 
> <paul.baicich@verizon.net>
> Cc: "WisBirdNet Network" <wisbirdn@lawrence.edu>
> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:18 PM
> Subject: [mou] paying to use state wildlife land
> Hooray for Colorado. Other states should follow suit. Everyone,
> including birders, who uses state wildlife land should contribute
> directly to its purchase and maintenance.
> Jim Williams
> Wayzata, Minnesota
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: foodrev@aol.com
> Date: March 23, 2006 8:47:57 AM CST
> To: sd-birds@yahoogroups.com, SF-BC@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [sd-birds] Colorado New Wildlife Habitat Stamp
> South Dakota birders,
> For those who may be going to Colorado this year I thought I'd give a
> heads-up. I am leading a trip April 7-14 for Lesser Prairie Chicken
> Gunnison Sage
> Grouse and White-tailed Ptarmigan (more of course, but these are the
> targets) and
> got a kind post from a birder Re: the new Habitat Stamp required on
> Colorado
> State Wildlife Areas. I had heard of it, but was not too worried.
> I then got a post forwarded by Bill Schmoker from COBIRDS that detailed
> the
> requirements   for the new Wildlife Stamp. And the wardens are checking.
> So I waited a lot on CO state telephone lines (no 800 numbers there) and
> heard recordings about how much killing birds and bears cost
> innumerable times,
> but did finally get someone who could answer a few simple questions
> (she was
> great).
> YES. Each *person* needs a license--not just each car.
> At first I had been told the licenses had to be purchased in CO at Div.
> Of
> Wildlife Offices or places like Wal-mart where hunting licenses are
> sold.
> BUT… they are available on line. I just purchased mine for $10.25.   Go
> on
> line to the following address and follow the easy steps (MasterCard or
> Visa in
> hand) to get a license.
> <<<www.wildlife.state.co.us>>> is the official site.
> You can see if <<<https://www1.wildlifelicense.com/co/>>> works
> directly.
> That is the page where licenses are sold.
> BTW, I heartily approve. We should pay too. I have bought Duck Stamps
> for
> years (as have many of us) but our contribution (admittedly probably
> tiny--but
> NOT ZERO) shows up counted towards hunters' funding. This controversy
> Re: buying
> duck stamps can be easily altered by this simple approach. Bravo,
> Colorado!
> Doug Chapman
> Sioux Falls, SD
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