[mou] More from Traverse, Big Stone, and Lac Qui Parle

B W wielandba@yahoo.com
Wed, 29 Mar 2006 07:23:19 -0800 (PST)

My apologies.  The previous message was accidently
sent before completion.  

In addition to the Snow Geese in Traverse and Lac Qui
Parle we had large flocks to the east of state hwy 7
south of Beardsley in Big Stone County, and several
smaller groups throughout the area.  Traverse CR 9 was
the only place that they were easy to observe as they
fed in the fields.  

Ross' Goose - several seen with the flock of Snow
Geese at Traverse CR 9.  

Greater White-fronted Goose - numerous throughout area
with Snow Geese and Canada flocks (many Cackling Geese
as well).

Tundra Swan - approx. 300 throughout area, with the
largest concentration by far (250 birds) in a field to
the north of  Traverse CR 76 1 mile west of Wheaton.

Golden Eagle - 1 adult in Big Stone County west of
state hwy 7 just south of CR 33.

Eurasion Collared-Dove - 2 at the grain elevators in
Wheaton, Traverse County.

Ben Wieland

Ben Wieland
Deep Portage Learning Center
2197 Nature Center Dr. NW
Hackensack, MN  56452   (218)682-2325

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