[mou] Sightings on Rum River

Al Ferber alferber@hotmail.com
Wed, 29 Mar 2006 19:07:17 +0000

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We have spotted the following on the Rum River just south of the Anoka dam =
over the last 24 hours:
Wood duck pair
Goldeneye pair
Hooded Merganzer pair - actually, first spotted Mar 17
12-15 Buffleheads (2 female) - spotted 1 on Mar 17
Coots (we don't recall seeing coots on the Rum before)
Al & Kit Ferber

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FONT-SIZE: 10pt;=0A=
<body><P >Hello.</P>
<P >&nbsp;</P>
<P >We have spotted the following on the Rum River just south of the Anoka =
dam over the <FONT class=3D"" >last</FONT> 24 hours:</P>
<P >&nbsp;</P>
<P >Wood duck pair</P>
<P ><FONT class=3D"" ><FONT class=3D"" >Goldeneye</FONT> pair</FONT></P>
<P >Hooded <FONT class=3D"" >Merganzer</FONT> pair - actually, first spotte=
d Mar 17</P>
<P >12-15 Buffleheads (2 female) - spotted 1 on Mar 17</P>
<P >Coots (we don't recall seeing coots on the Rum before)</P>
<P >&nbsp;</P>
<P >Al &amp; Kit Ferber</P>
<P >&nbsp;</P>
<P >&nbsp;</P>
<P >&nbsp;</P>
<P >&nbsp;</P></body>=0A=
