[mou] OT - The New Medicine

Stan Merrill stan_1ch@yahoo.com
Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:24:44 -0800 (PST)

Greetings, EveryBIRDie!

I recognize that this is OT [Off Topic] regarding
birds/birding; however, it's very much OT [On Topic]
for health care of BIRDERS, so which way do I "fly?"

There's a program on PBS this [Wednesday] evening
and early Thursday morning about "The New Medicine."
Check your TV Guide for times.  

TV Guide on Internet for Twin Cities area of
Minnesota lists...

The New Medicine
    PBS [KTCA - Charter Channel 2] 
    7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m. - Wednesday, March 29
    1:00 a.m. - Thursday, March 30

The New Medicine in Minnesota
    PBS [KTCA - Charter Channel 2]:
    9:00 p.m. - Wednesday, March 30

Premise: A report on medical treatments that combine
high-tech tools with nontraditional practices, including
acupuncture, meditation and self-hypnosis. Included: the
importance of a patient's mental health, lifestyle and
support systems, and relationship with doctors. Hosted by
Dana Reeve (widow of actor Christopher Reeve), who died of
lung cancer on March 6, 2006.

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