[mou] Waterville, MN ducks on 3/27

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Thu, 30 Mar 2006 14:50:06 -0600

Sorry for the belated post, crazy week. On Monday, 3/27, Jim Rataczak,
Lars Jonsson, and I saw 19 species of waterfowl on the lake just north
of the city of Waterville on Hwy 13 in Le Sueur county.=20
*	Canada Goose
*	Tundra swan - 2 flocks
*	Wood Duck - first of year
*	Gadwall
*	American Wigeon - First of year; very vocal
*	Mallard
*	Northern Shoveler - first of year
*	Green-winged Teal - first of year
*	Canvasback
*	Redhead - very vocal
*	Ring-necked Duck
*	Lesser Scaup
*	Bufflehead
*	Common Goldeneye - males displaying
*	Hooded Merganser
*	Common Merganser
*	Red-breasted Merganser
*	Ruddy Duck - first of year
*	American Coot

Rainy, sleety day, but thee were over a thousand ducks to be seen up
close, both east and west of Hwy 13, on the ice edges.
Please use the seasonal reports on the MOU website, so we can visually
track the migration as it goes through our state. Good Birding.

Mark Alt
Brooklyn Center, MN
Hennepin County