[mou] Ruddy Turnstone, Lake Byllesby, Dakota County

Doug Kieser DKieser@CLYNCH.COM
Mon, 1 May 2006 20:50:55 -0500

A Ruddy Turnstone was present on the mudflats at the west end of Lake
Byllesby, Dakota County at 6:30 this evening.  This appears to be a very
early date for this species, "Birds in Minnesota" lists a state early
arrival date of May 3, early south date of May 4. =20
Other Shorebirds present this evening include:
Semipalmated Plover (4)
Killdeer (2)
Greater Yellowlegs (4)
Lesser Yellowlegs (8)
Willet (5)
Spotted Sandpiper (2)

Doug Kieser