[mou] backyard birds

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Tue, 2 May 2006 02:28:41 -0500

Sunday I was able to share with Cherie one of my favorite birding 
experiences.  As we looked out the window at Quiggley Lake, three Hooded 
Mergansers started acting up, and I realized we were watching courtship. 
Despite the cold, I cracked open the door so we could hear the puttering 
conversation of the mergansers.  The only unusal aspect about this 
threesome, was that they were all females.  They were joined by one of our 
Wood Duck groups, two males, a female, and a Coot.  When the female Wood 
Duck climbed up onto a log on my shore, she was shortly joined by the males 
and the Coot.  I haven't figured out what the Coot sees in the Wood Ducks, 
but I have only seen it in the close company of this group.

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN