[mou] Binoc update

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Wed, 03 May 2006 17:47:28 -0500

Thank you all again so much for the info and the offers.  I went 
everywhere and tried everything.  The best place I found was Cabela's in 
Rogers.  They had almost every type of many major brands - especially 
the high dollar ones.  I got to try all of the ones I had interest in.  
Other places might have a brand name but only limited models - like a 
few 8x or maybe a 10x.  Cabela's had 8x's, 10x's, 12x's of every brand 
they had if that brand had all of those powers.  Plus they let me take 
armfulls outside to try out - since they don't have windows.  I went 
around 1:00 today, a Wednesday, and was the only one being served for 
over 2 hours.  I really got the pair that was the best fit for my eyes, 
my face, my nose and my low distance focus needs.  I don't think they 
necessarily have the best prices but with gas at $3 a gallon how many 
miles can I go and still make a $50 buck saving worth a drive?

I had several magazines that I subscribe to as references with me 
including the National Camera binocular fact sheet (very useful) and 
found Birder's World Nov/Dec 2005 and Jan/Feb 2006 most right on and useful.

I gotta go birding now.  See you out there!  Yiipeeee!

Thomas Maiello

By the way - if you are curious, I settled on the Pentax 10x50 DCF SP as 
it suited many personal nuances I have, had excellent optics and field 
of view.  They weigh a bit more than the Monarchs but they feel great on 
my face and have excellent close distance focus for my feeders. This is 
my second pair supporting my age old Swift 8.5x44 Audubons which will be 
hard to set aside during the warbler migration.  I was so tempted to get 
12x for only $50 more but couldn't imagine trying to track down a 
warbler with such a small field of view and vibration.