[mou] White-faced Ibis

Curt Vacek Curt.Vacek@dnr.state.mn.us
Fri, 05 May 2006 17:11:27 -0500

Adult White-faced Ibis (90% sure) at Danvers WMA 3 miles west of Benson on =
CR 20.  South side of road right were 20 curves north.  Sharing wetland in =
the middle of burned grassland with several ducks (green wings, blue =
wings, pintail, mallard... and misc shorebirds).  With the black from the =
burn there's lots of heat waves to glass through at mid-day.  If anyone =
confirms this Ibis siting, please notify.  Thanks.

Curt Vacek
Assistant Area Wildlife Manager
Minnesota DNR - Section of Wildlife
850 N Hering St
Appleton, MN 56208
phone: (320) 289-2493
fax: (320) 289-2551
email: curt.vacek@dnr.state.mn.us