[mou] Rock and Pipestone Counties 5/9

SFbirdclub@aol.com SFbirdclub@aol.com
Wed, 10 May 2006 08:29:46 EDT

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Spent a delightful day birding SW Minnesota.

Migrants are arriving: many Clay-colored, Harris', Savannah and Vesper 
only 4 species of warbler, Blackpoll the most common, 
Osprey flying over, Swainson's Hawks,

Saw a hen Gray Partridge gritting in the road.

15 male Bobolink, many singing and displaying at Touch-the Sky Prairie.

At a water hole in Touch-the-Sky there were several shorebirds--Wilson's 
Phalarope and a Solitary Sandpiper among the more numerous yellowlegs and peep.

Doug Chapman
Sioux Falls, SD

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">Spent a delightful day birding SW Minne=
Migrants are arriving: many Clay-colored, Harris', Savannah and Vesper Sparr=
ow; <BR>
only 4 species of warbler, Blackpoll the most common, <BR>
Osprey flying over, Swainson's Hawks,<BR>
Saw a hen Gray Partridge gritting in the road.<BR>
15 male Bobolink, many singing and displaying at Touch-the Sky Prairie.<BR>
At a water hole in Touch-the-Sky there were several shorebirds--Wilson's Pha=
larope and a Solitary Sandpiper among the more numerous yellowlegs and peep.=
Doug Chapman<BR>
Sioux Falls, SD</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANS=
