[mou] raining birds in Cook Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Wed, 10 May 2006 09:29:40 -0500

Northeast wind quit for a couple days.  Birds kept moving in from Sunday
night and still coming.  Lake mostly fogged in.  Little time to bird,
unfortunately, but have had the following hanging around grabbing what seed
we have left:

Bobolink male here 5/9 and today
Redwinged blackbirds - about 20, mostly 2nd year male, the rest female
Common grackle - some have been here for weeks, more today
    (still waiting for Rusty and Brewer's blackbirds)
Brown-headed cowbirds
Evening Grosbeaks - 3 lit up the deck this morning
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 male 5/9, briefly
Juncos - few now, probably local breeders
Harris's Sparrow - 1 just landed
White-crowned Sp. - 2 or 3, just arrived a few days ago
White-throated Sp. - still arriving by the dozens
Chipping Sp. - 50 or more any time I look out the window for more than a
Song Sp. - territorial birds chasing everything else off their property
   ( Tree Sparrows have gone north)
Goldfinches to brighten up a dreary day
Pine siskins by the dozen, but we're just about out of thistle seeds
Golden-crowned Kinglets in small numbers
Yellow rumped Warblers on trails above Caribou R., very few, and only
warbler we've seen yet, except for that lone Pine
NO thrushes except Robins.  Heard Bluebirds one day last week.
Phoebes only flycatchers so far
Tree swallows investigating martin house, probably feeding mostly on inland
Migrating Sharp-shinned Hawks
Kestrels, but so far fewer than nested near here last summer

Now to get out and see what else has arrived.

Some of our neighbors a mile or so away had a bear trash their feeders, so
time to get ours emptied out.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem