[mou] Albany Willets

Wildchough@aol.com Wildchough@aol.com
Wed, 10 May 2006 23:42:18 EDT

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As I was departing the Albany Sewage Ponds (Stearns County) late this 
afternoon an arriving flock of wind-tossed Willets (approximately 10 birds) quickly 
soared over the first pond and landed in the back pond which is not visible 
from the road.  Check the first pond in the morning though as the water levels 
are low and the birds may reappear.  Also present were 10 Wilson's Phalaropes, 2 
Stilt Sandpipers, Spotty, Lesser Yellowlegs, Solitary, Ruddy Ducks, and 
various peeps unidentifiable without a scope which I lacked..  Bob Russell, Dakota 

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">As I was departing the Albany Sewag=
e Ponds (Stearns County) late this afternoon an arriving flock of wind-tosse=
d Willets (approximately 10 birds) quickly soared over the first pond and la=
nded in the back pond which is not visible from the road.&nbsp; Check the fi=
rst pond in the morning though as the water levels are low and the birds may=
 reappear.&nbsp; Also present were 10 Wilson's Phalaropes, 2 Stilt Sandpiper=
s, Spotty, Lesser Yellowlegs, Solitary, Ruddy Ducks, and various peeps unide=
ntifiable without a scope which I lacked..&nbsp; Bob Russell, Dakota Co.</FO=
