[mou] Glacial Ridge NWR, Smith's Longspurs

Wildchough@aol.com Wildchough@aol.com
Thu, 11 May 2006 00:05:02 EDT

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During the Glacial Ridge Bird Foray on Tuesday separate flocks of 50 and 60 
.Smith's Longspurs were found by separate observers six hours and several miles 
apart.  The larger flock was seen by myself 2 miles west of 32 on Polk County 
45 just north of the very active railroad track.  The other was seen by a 
Professor Hoch several miles to the SW of the above observation away from roads.  
Other birds seen during the foray were at least 50 Marbled Godwits, Trumpeter 
Swan, 2 Pileated Woodpeckers, 15+ LeConte's Sparrow, several American 
Bitterns, Rough-legged Hawk, Golden Eagle, and more.  Haven't heard if the Burrowing 
Owls were seen again but they had been seen as late as the past weekend.  I'll 
post a more detailed report later.  Bob Russell

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">During the Glacial Ridge Bird Foray=
 on Tuesday separate flocks of 50 and 60 .Smith's Longspurs were found by se=
parate observers six hours and several miles apart.&nbsp; The larger flock w=
as seen by myself 2 miles west of 32 on Polk County 45 just north of the ver=
y active railroad track.&nbsp; The other was seen by a Professor Hoch severa=
l miles to the SW of the above observation away from roads.&nbsp; Other bird=
s seen during the foray were at least 50 Marbled Godwits, Trumpeter Swan, 2=20=
Pileated Woodpeckers, 15+ LeConte's Sparrow, several American Bitterns, Roug=
h-legged Hawk, Golden Eagle, and more.&nbsp; Haven't heard if the Burrowing=20=
Owls were seen again but they had been seen as late as the past weekend.&nbs=
p; I'll post a more detailed report later.&nbsp; Bob Russell</FONT></HTML>
