[mou] Theo Wirth Park

Kathleen Connelly connellyka@earthlink.net
Fri, 12 May 2006 13:30:24 -0500

Around noon, I enjoyed a companionable walk along the marsh on Glenwood with
a sora before she ditched me for the cattails.  A great egret broke from the
brush and flew over to the edge of the settlement ponds on the West edge of
Wirth Lake.  Up ahead at the intersection of Glenwood and Theodore Wirth
Parkway,  a utility truck flushed a deer that ran up the trail along Wirth
Lake.  Even so, when I walked up that same path a short time later, it was I
who startled the lingering solitary and spotted sandpipers in the settlement
ponds into flight.

All of this, less than a five minute drive from downtown Minneapolis.  Do we
live in a great state or what?
Kathy Connelly
Golden Valley
Hennepin County