[mou] id question

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Sat, 13 May 2006 10:27:43 -0500

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I was riding my bike and two Robin- or Brown Thrasher-sized or birds 
were interacting in a tree in an open area just north of the former Twin 
Cities Army Ammunition Plant in Arden Hills.  They were almost posing on 
a branch on the top of the tree but the lighting was behind them and I 
could only make out their shape.  Then they flew away from me to a 
distant tree and I could make out clearly defined white rumps or large 
rump patches as they flew.  By the time I got my binoculars out, they 
flew again and I couldn't find them.  Anyone care to render a guess as 
to what they were?  It's driving me crazy.

Oh, by the way, I just had a Tennessee Warbler in my yard singing to 
beat the band!  My first yard warbler!  Yipee!

Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park

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I was riding my bike and two Robin- or Brown Thrasher-sized or birds
were interacting in a tree in an open area just north of the former
Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant in Arden Hills.&nbsp; They were almost
posing on a branch on the top of the tree but the lighting was behind
them and I could only make out their shape.&nbsp; Then they flew away from
me to a distant tree and I could make out clearly defined white rumps
or large rump patches as they flew.&nbsp; By the time I got my binoculars
out, they flew again and I couldn't find them.&nbsp; Anyone care to render a
guess as to what they were?&nbsp; It's driving me crazy.<br>
Oh, by the way, I just had a <b>Tennessee Warbler</b> in my yard
singing to beat the band!&nbsp; My first yard warbler!&nbsp; Yipee!<br>
Thomas Maiello<br>
Spring Lake Park<br>
