[mou] Dakota County Park (Schaar's Bluff) Trip Report

Richard J Specht rjspecht@juno.com
Sat, 13 May 2006 13:12:19 -0500

This morning Jeanne and I led a MRVAC trip at Spring Lake Park (Schaar's
Bluff) and 140th Street Marsh.  Although we had several calls expressing
interest, the weather did not cooperate and there were no participants. 
The woods were very quiet with little singing, yet we did manage to see
54 species, some of which were:
@ Rose-breasted Grosbeak
@ Baltimore Oriole
@ Gray Catbird
@ 7 species of warblers: Yellow-rumped, Yellow, American Redstart, Palm,
Northern Parula, Orange-crowned, Nashville
@ Cooper's Hawk on nest
@ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
@ Yellow-throated Vireo
@ Eastern Wood-Pewee
@ Great-crested Flycatcher
@ Eastern Meadowlark

Rick Specht