[mou] Western MN and Wright Co

steve pulles tpulles17@msn.com
Sun, 14 May 2006 21:02:32 -0500

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My high school graduation was on Saturday and to celebrate, my family =
I took a trip to western Minnesota, spent the night, and went birding =
today (we also checked around Wright County on the way home).  Our tot=
al for the day was 114 species.  Our best finds were...=0D=0A=0D=0ALAC=
 QUI PARLE SP - red-headed woodpecker, gray-cheeked thrush, magnolia w=
arbler, Lincoln's sparrow=0D=0ABIG STONE NWR - American bittern, Ameri=
can pipit=0D=0ABIG STONE COUNTY - eared grebe, Bonaparte's gull, 3 Ame=
rican avocets (1/2 mile east of Big Stone County Road 7 on the road 1 =
mile north of County Road 6 - the same location that Doug Kieser and J=
im Otto found them about a week ago)=0D=0ALAKE MARIA SP - cerulean war=
bler (at Whitetail Campsite, I believe it's called)=0D=0APELICAN LAKE =
(in Wright County) - red-necked grebe, western grebe, Wilson's phalaro=
pe=0D=0A=0D=0ABaltimore orioles, rose-breasted grosbeaks, and Swainson=
's thrushes are everywhere!  In Lake Maria SP, rue anemone, large-flow=
ered bellwort, and wild geranium are blooming.  It's a great time of y=
ear to be outside!=0D=0A=0D=0AGood birding!=0D=0AKeith Pulles, Wright =

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=0A<DIV>My high school graduation was on Saturday and to celebrate, my=
 family I =0D=0Atook a trip to western Minnesota, spent the night, and=
 went birding&nbsp;today =0D=0A(we also checked around Wright County o=
n the way home).&nbsp; Our total for the =0D=0Aday was 114 species.&nb=
sp; Our best finds were...</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>LAC =
QUI PARLE SP - red-headed woodpecker, gray-cheeked thrush, magnolia =
=0D=0Awarbler, Lincoln's sparrow</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>BIG STONE NWR - Ameri=
can bittern, American pipit</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>BIG STONE COUNTY&nbsp;- ea=
red grebe, Bonaparte's gull, 3 American avocets =0D=0A(1/2 mile east o=
f Big Stone County Road 7 on the road 1 mile north of County =0D=0ARoa=
d 6 - the same location that Doug Kieser and Jim Otto&nbsp;found them =
about a =0D=0Aweek ago)</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>LAKE MARIA SP - cerulean warbl=
er (at Whitetail Campsite, I believe it's =0D=0Acalled)</DIV>=0D=0A<DI=
V>PELICAN LAKE (in Wright County) - red-necked grebe, western grebe, W=
ilson's =0D=0Aphalarope</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>Baltimo=
re orioles, rose-breasted grosbeaks, and Swainson's thrushes are =0D=
=0Aeverywhere!&nbsp; In Lake Maria SP, rue anemone, large-flowered bel=
lwort, and =0D=0Awild geranium are blooming.&nbsp; It's a great time o=
f year to be outside!</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>Good bird=
ing!</DIV>=0D=0A<DIV>Keith Pulles, Wright Co</DIV></BODY></HTML>=0D=0A=
