[mou] Birding on the Mississippi in Minneapolis

Rob Daves rob_daves@yahoo.com
Mon, 15 May 2006 18:07:11 -0700 (PDT)

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Today was the first day I've run at noon in a week or so, and my route takes me across the Stonearch Bridge from Minneapolis, up Nicollet Island and Boom Island Park, and back across the river and downstream over Bassett's Creek on the other side.
  The catbirds have returned to Nicollet Island and Boom Island Park, and the great egret was again fishing just below the hydro plant in the company of ring-billed gulls and Canada geese.  Phoebes populated the channel between Boom Island Park and Nicollet Island, and chipping sparrows were everywhere.  The golden-crowned and ruby-crowned kinglets appear to have left; they were around last week.  The cormorants are back in residence in the cottonwood trees just upstream of the Stonearch Bridge.  I couldn't relocate the black-crowned night heron that I saw last week at the confluence of Basset's Creek and the river, nor did I see the house wren or the Cooper's hawks from last week.  
  Good birding to all...
  Rob Daves,
  Another birder reported hearing Tennessee warblers just downstream of Basset's Creek, but I'm enough of a novice that I couldn't relocate them.  

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<div>Today was the first day I've run at noon in a week or so, and my route takes me across the Stonearch Bridge from Minneapolis, up Nicollet Island and Boom Island Park, and back across the river and downstream over Bassett's Creek on the other side.</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>The catbirds have returned to Nicollet Island and Boom Island Park, and the great egret was again fishing just below the hydro plant in the company of ring-billed gulls and Canada geese.&nbsp; Phoebes populated the channel between Boom Island Park and Nicollet Island, and chipping sparrows were everywhere.&nbsp; The golden-crowned and ruby-crowned kinglets appear to have left; they were around last week.&nbsp; The cormorants are back in residence in the cottonwood trees just upstream of the Stonearch Bridge.&nbsp; I couldn't relocate the black-crowned night heron that I saw last week at the confluence of Basset's Creek and the river, nor did I see the house wren or the Cooper's hawks from last
 week.&nbsp; </div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Good birding to all...</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Rob Daves,</div>  <div>Minneapolis</div>  <div>&nbsp;</div>  <div>Another birder reported hearing Tennessee warblers just downstream of Basset's Creek, but I'm enough of a novice that I couldn't relocate them.&nbsp; </div><p>
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