[mou] Re: [mnbird] any 1 seen a warbler?

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Wed, 17 May 2006 13:57:59 -0500

I was wondering if the people who typically post to the lists just  
don't post anymore and maybe that's why the lack of reported birds.

As far as migrants, the timing does seem to be odd.  I normally have  
a bevy of Tennessee warblers and Swainson's thrushes in my Uptown  
neighborhood, but this year has yielded very few of those species.   
In the last two days I have found the following in the trees in my  
neighborhood (although in small numbers):

Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Magnolia Warbler

A friend of mine has a great birding spot about 30 miles into  
Wisconsin from the Minnesota border and this time of year I can  
easily find the territories of all sorts of birds.  When I was there  
on Sunday, almost all the usual suspects were around--including a  
blue-winged warbler on the same territory for the last three years  
but there were absolutely no indigo buntings.  Normally at this time  
of year, I can find three separate territories on their property, but  
this year I couldn't find a one, they must be running late.  I did  
find one male boboblink singing on territory and I think this is the  
first year I have ever heard a bobolink before hearing an indigo  

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN
Bird/Wildlife Observation Specialist for www.eagleoptics.com