[mou] any 1 seen a warbler?

Holly Peirson hpeirson@pclink.com
Wed, 17 May 2006 15:10:55 -0500

I had 8 species of warblers in my yard yesterday: Tennessee, Chestnut-sided,
Yellow-Rumped, Black-throated Green, Black and White, Am. Redstart,
Ovenbird, and Co. Yellowthroat. I live near Carlos Avery in Anoka Co.

Migration seems to be a little slow, but you have to remember that our
leaves came out early so it may just seem that the birds are late when they
are right on...

I have had all but the Tennessee and Yellow-rumped stay to nest at different
times, and know it's possible to see these species during summer closer than
the North Shore. Some good places are Murphy-Hanrehan, Sherburne NWR and
Sand Dunes State Forest (contiguous), Carlos Avery, Crex Meadows and other
parks near the St. Croix... Nickerson Bog, Carver Park, to name a few that I
know of.

Look for the Black-throated Green in large pine stands, and the rest in
deciduous woods, and near marshes.

Good warblering!

Holly Peirson
Forest Lake area, Anoka Co.