[mou] No birds

Randy Frederickson fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Wed, 17 May 2006 14:59:50 -0500

In keeping with Steve's observations/questions...

Here in Kandiyohi county I have seen or heard 7 species of warbler for the
year, with 5 of the 7 being represented by a SINGLE individual.  This part
of the state has more bad years than good for neoptropical migration.  We
need big pushes of birds and "overflow" to get excellent days here.  But, it
is still considerably "below average."  Weather patterns have been unusual,
so I'm still hopeful.

A more perplexing question to me is shorebirds.  They should be at peak now.
Whereas I have seen good numbers of yellowlegs and Wilson's phalarope, most
other species have been almost nonexistent (ie. One dunlin to date).
Looking for shorebirds yesterday for 2 1/2 hrs produced 10 birds, excluding
killdeer: 2 phalaropes, 1 dowitcher, 4 yellowlegs, 3 peeps.

Swallows appear to be in normal numbers.  White pelicans are everywhere.
Herons and egrets also appear to be in good numbers. The usual 2 week
sparrow migration of white throateds, harris, etc. was compacted, resulting
in none, to huge numbers, back to none in 5 days.

Joel Schmidt reported a mockingbird at his house yesterday, about 12 mi. NW
of Willmar (I haven't spoken with him so don't have permission to post exact

Wood tick numbers seem strong:-)

Randy Frederickson