[mou] any 1 seen a warbler?

Terence Brashear birdnird@yahoo.com
Wed, 17 May 2006 19:14:41 -0700 (PDT)

Take a look a the weather pattern we've been in for
the last week and half and guess why we have limited
movement of birds.  Strong northerly winds and the
rain we had previously are not condusive to migration.
 Check the texas bird reports and see that they are
still seeing trickles of birds as well.

The movement on nexrad has been unremarkable.

Weather has a big impact on bird migration.  Don't let
the leaves fool you. Just because we have trees leafed
out does not mean the birds will be here.

Back in May 1996 we had similar slow movement of birds
and then on 18th all heck broke loose with strong
south winds - 177 species seen in St. Louis County for
the hawk ridge birdathon.

Birds are backed up to the south.  As soon as the the
winds are favorable we'll see movement.  This does not
mean we'll have fallouts.  If the winds are good from
the south for a number of days the birds will pass us

Hope for a good stiff south wind and an evening storm.

Good luck!


Terry Brashear
Hennepin County, MN
birdnird AT yahoo.com

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